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Sophie Jackson

I am 27 years old (young).

I am currently engaged to the most wonderful man. Living in a little country cottage and trying to build an empire!

I am happiest when I’m spending time with my other half, my family and my friends.

I am most relaxed when I’m in the bath with a good book and a face mask or, in a yoga class (specifically hot yoga strangely enough!).

I am most anxious when I’m poorly! I hate being ill and having no control over my body.

If I could change one thing in the world it would be how social media has developed. If it were me, I would’ve introduced much stricter regulations etc. to help stop online bullying, trolling and hate. Social media should be used as a place of inspiration and support.

Nothing really freaks me out. Although, I’m not a big lover of spiders!

James my fiancé really makes me laugh.

When I feel stressed, I read a book, go for a walk or try and tackle what’s making me feel stressed. If it’s money related for example, I’ll sit down and look at my monthly spreadsheet and work out what is different about a specific month.

When I feel sad, I spend time with James. Although, I’m lucky enough that I rarely feel sad, and I put that down to having James to talk to about everything.

My go-to dinner party recipe is always melt in the middle chocolate pudding. I’ve made so many over the past few years that I think I’ve mastered it. Plus, it’s a crowd pleaser!

The three people I couldn’t live without are James, my Mum and my Dad. Although, there are so many more people I couldn’t live without too!

The person I most admire is my Dad.

…because he’s built his own business from the ground up and worked so hard over the past couple of decades to support our family. His drive and ambition are something I hope I hold too, and his work ethic is what has spurred me on to start my own business.

The one piece of life advice I would like to share is it’s never too late to start something. I started my fitness journey when I was 25 and I’ve never looked back. I started my own freelance business at 26 and have never looked back. There are so many opportunities I’ve had that I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t taken these leaps of faith. So, no matter how old you are or where you’re at in your life, if you want to do something or have goals you want to achieve, get a plan in place and go out and do them! I believe in you.


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